Hallo everyone!
OK, I found that there are also other ways to think about CORE Permissions system. I am bringing this here to have a debate. Folllowing are fundamental variations:
A. Concept of having modules and permissions linkage with groupsThe modules would get and inherit the group properties and permissions would be assigned. There are disadvantages.
B. Concept of permissions quality (Unix type) defined and applied to modules based on vHost.In this system, the absolute permission quality is defined from the beginning. Hence it starts from the site group or vHost related permissions where User = vHost!
Therefore all the permissions are then vHost/User related. I do not know if it makes sense to have User = vHost or if it would be better to have User = Admin, or Mr. X...
In this regards, I have placed a message here:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1417524&group_id=41586&atid=430843Permission duplicate functionThe Unix permissions based on User=vHost could be also duplicated and applied to groups.
Absolute permission structureIt would be really helpful to have groups and users individually have permissions. This could only be achieved if the permissions have an absolute quality. Only then they could be applied by a template to groups or users or even sites.
MOST IMPORTANT: The module developers would have NOTHING to do with the permissions. It is the CORE that controls and installs module permissions. There would be a standardized structure from the core. Thats my vision of Future Xoops!!!
I am interested to know what others think!