Hi Herko
Sorry to be a pest, but you have on a few occasions recommended Uniform Server, as it is easy to install and will run on a memory stick.
I am trying to install XOOPS on Uniform Server, but setup fails early on with the following errors:
Failed writing constant W:/www.
Failed writing constant
Failed writing constant mysql.
Failed writing constant xoops.
Failed writing constant localhost.
Failed writing constant root.
Failed writing constant .
Failed writing constant bcadata.
Failed writing constant 0.
Failed writing constant 1.
Failed writing constant 2.
Failed writing constant 3.
Failed writing constant 1.
using setup:
Database MySQL
Database Hostname localhost
Database Username root
Database Password
Database Name bcadata
Table Prefix XOOPS
Use persistent connection? No
XOOPS Physical Path W:/www
XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
http://localhost I cannot find answer to this and have tried various combinations from the setup screen.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated
XOOPS 2.0.18/ PHP 5.0 / MySQL 4.1.21-standard