disky wrote:
Glad to hear that at least works :)
try with this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^forum/([0-9]+)$ /modules/newbb/viewforum.php?forum=$1 [L]
And try 'www.mydomain.com/forum/1' or what the forum number might be.
Did you remember this part:
I also had to change 1 line in includes/common.php
$xoopsRequestUri = $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ]; // Deprecated (use the corrected $_SERVER variable now)
$xoopsRequestUri = $_SERVER[ 'SCRIPT_NAME' ];
If i remember correctly you will actually get blank screen if you forgot it.
I have no clue why it is not done in the core system allready, they even themself write it is 'deprecated'.
heh...hadn't made the change in includes/common.php...however...that didn't help completely...it seems picky..
i was able to make the following work:
RewriteRule ^forum/$ /stuff/index.php [L]
then i tried
RewriteRule ^forum/$ /stuff/whatever/index.php [L]
but as soon as i tried
RewriteRule ^forum/$ /modules/newbb/index.php [L]
it gave me the 404
so i'm wondering what's going on that it doesn't like the modules forum...lol would it be a completely turned around and messed up attempt in trying to do
RewriteRule ^forum/$ /modules/
and then inside /stuff/
have another one that does
RewriteRule ^modules/$ /newbb/
or something of that nature? i don't know...i'm starting to get really confused with what's going on
any resolution or advice would be great :)