Re: Logged in but no user menu or access to acp
  • 2005/12/25 16:18

  • Shelia

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 140

  • Since: 2003/6/22

Merry Christmas!

I seem to have narrowed this down to a sessions or cookie issue. I have a separate phpbb forum using the same database. When I am logged into the forum I can see the menu on the XOOPS index page. If I login to XOOPS from that menu I have complete access to the acp. I simply can't login to XOOPS without logging into my forum first. All of this is new and the forum and XOOPS have been sharing the same database without conflict for quite sometime. I haven't changed anything that would cause this to happen.

Any ideas!?

Re: Logged in but no user menu or access to acp

Try repairing the XOOPS session table in your DB.

If you use PHPMyAdmin,

1) Open your XOOPS DB
2) Click your session table in the left frame (e.g xoops_session)
3) Click the "Operations" link on the top nav bar in the main frame
4) Click "Repair Table" in the box on the right.

That may do it!

Hope it helps,


P.S I think you can also empty the session table and force it to regenerate, that may help too. Try the repair first.

If you like, backup the DB first. However, it's a fairly safe procedure.



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