Hi all,
I have installed XOOPS with the install script on my web-site and the webpage is up and running.
Since I want to do some development and updates I want to transfer my webpages to my local PC using xsas 1.1 server.
I downloaded all files and modified mainfile.php and restored the database file successfully (at least I hope so...

When I start xsas 1.1 with debug-mode on then I only get a blank page with a single warning from php:
Warning [PHP]: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in file W:\www\xoops2\class\database\database.php line 136
Any ideas what I can check more to get an understanding what is wrong.
The mySQL version and phpMyAdmin version on web-server is not under my control to change - will be provided by the web-server administration.
As additional information I want to add server configuration:
XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version:
PHP Version:
MySQL Version: 4.1.1a-alpha on webserver; 4.0.25 on xsas 1.1
phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 on webserver; 2.5.6 on xsas 1.1
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache on xsas 1.1
Operating System: linux on webserver; windows xp on xsas 1.1
Theme you are using: x2t, default
Custom template: No
PHP Debug Messages:
Warning [PHP]: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in file W:wwwxoops2classdatabasedatabase.php line 136
MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:
I checked all FAQs for blank pages but since I don't get any error message I could not find any useful pointer for my problem.