Synchronization - Website and local environment
  • 2005/11/25 13:22

  • magos1965

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/8/28

Hi all,

I have installed XOOPS with the install script on my web-site and the webpage is up and running.

Since I want to do some development and updates I want to transfer my webpages to my local PC using xsas 1.1 server.

I downloaded all files and modified mainfile.php and restored the database file successfully (at least I hope so... )

When I start xsas 1.1 with debug-mode on then I only get a blank page with a single warning from php:

Warning [PHP]: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in file W:\www\xoops2\class\database\database.php line 136

Any ideas what I can check more to get an understanding what is wrong.

The mySQL version and phpMyAdmin version on web-server is not under my control to change - will be provided by the web-server administration.

As additional information I want to add server configuration:

XOOPS Version:
Module Name/Version:
PHP Version:

MySQL Version: 4.1.1a-alpha on webserver; 4.0.25 on xsas 1.1
phpMyAdmin 2.6.0-pl2 on webserver; 2.5.6 on xsas 1.1

Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache on xsas 1.1
Operating System: linux on webserver; windows xp on xsas 1.1
Theme you are using: x2t, default
Custom template: No
PHP Debug Messages:
Warning [PHP]: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in file W:wwwxoops2classdatabasedatabase.php line 136

MySQL Debug Messages:
Smarty Debug Messages:

I checked all FAQs for blank pages but since I don't get any error message I could not find any useful pointer for my problem.


Re: Synchronization - Website and local environment
  • 2005/11/25 13:34

  • highlander

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 151

  • Since: 2004/12/5


I downloaded all files and modified mainfile.php and restored the database file successfully (at least I hope so... )

Hi gerald, looks like there is a problem connecting to the database (as you state) and indedd your solution needs to lie somewhere in mainfile.php

please compare the settings of the mainfile.php which came with xsas (I believe XOOPS 2.0.6) to the new settings. (your new local mainfile is now I believe)

Xsas also comes with phpmyadmin so you can check the database name and such.

Good luck, Highlander
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