I've been charged with building a portal for a bunch of people dotted around the globe for which I've spent some time building in the functionality requested. It turns out that the people contributing to the site have are not at all experienced in using Portals or CMS's in general for that matter and have totally rejected the current setup (I was only informed about this recently).
The deadline is fast approaching and I've got to pull something out of the bag quick (hence the reason for this post). I need to set XOOPS up with all the requested functionality + a unified & ultra-simple way of adding content to the various sections with attachments. Here's the structure:
Home - static intoductory content about the group & a list of recent articles (across all sections).
Events Calendar - Usual stuff here BUT with the ability to upload and attach a file to an event
News style section A - for logging articles in a blog style with file upload & attach functionality.
News style section B - for logging articles in a blog style with file upload & attach functionality.
Static information page - static content with images.
Members list - list of members (with custom fields) + upload photo & attached CV.doc.
partners list - pretty straight forward.
forums - ...same.
Contact us - a contact form with an option to choose who it's going to (3 options).
They need to be able to add/edit/delete content to all these sections/modules without coming into contact with any other options/functionality (pretty much). It needs to be as simple as possible, they couldn't get on with change of interface across the modules and various other menus & options they came into contact with. It needs to appear unified and concise above all.