Sure did. It was just a simple incremental upgrade, and then this fatal error.
I only tried logging is as admin and got the error. I assume it would be the same for other users as the problematic line was just a generic referer check.
Last week, I could log in fine, then, after the upgrade, I had that fatal error problem. I tried uploading the patch again in case of an FTP error but the problem persisted.
After uploading the full version, it's working fine, however, I had to:
1) Redo my custom main menu template back after it was wiped. (I used a backup, copy and pasted)
2) Edit my theme.html file to get the logo etc.. correct.
3) Patch the common.php file to keep the x-language module working.
Other than that it was standard. When uploading, I took out all the module file, except the system module for the upgrade. I also removed mainfile.php to keep the existing one.
anyway, it's all working. I hope my solution can help someone else too.
At the end of the day, I love xoops. It's a great system. Even when there is the odd glitch, it's fun figuring out the solution.