XM-Memberstat 2.0e problem
  • 2005/10/15 13:16

  • McDonald

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1072

  • Since: 2005/8/15

I've installed XM-Memberstat 2.0e on my website Ron's ROV Links using XOOPS 2.2.2.
The ip-to-country database has been updated recently.

The problem I have with this module is that it still shows visitors after they have left the site.
You can check this by clicking on the 3-digit counter (php-stats)at the bottom of the site or on the site meter.
Also when a visitor logs in to the site XM-Memberstats shows him/her twice: once with the visitors ip-address and once with his/her username.
I have no cache selected for the module.

How can I solve these problems?

Thanx in advance,


Re: XM-Memberstat 2.0e problem

I believe this is a server cache issue, not a XOOPS or xmmember stats issue. All stats programs I use, even stand alone seem to do the same for a short time.


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