Hello all,
I recently installed XOOPS into my web hosting, and I am eager to start to use the CMS in conjuntion with an HTML template that I have created for my page. The issue is, I don't know WHERE to start with XOOPS! So far, I have logged into the XOOPS administration, installed some modules, and that is pretty much it. I am not sure how to proceed from this point.
I have tried to look for some tutorials, which there are a few around, but I want to read some documentation that will provide me the information I need to start to develop my CMS-based site. But, right off the bat, I don't even know where I would place the index page, how I would edit it, etc. I have searched the site for documentation relating to this subject, and even conducted a search on the forums with little luck. Am I just being blind and missing this documentation or new user information?
I am mostly interested in how I could use my current HTML pages in conjunction with XOOPS. Also, is it possible to combine a phpbb2-driven board with XOOPS, as far as the users that are in the database of the forum?
Any help would be much appreciated!