New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/6 18:24

  • richardw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Hello again!

I´m VERY urgent and need this function. What I´m looking for is to present players in a soccer team. The function that I´m looking for is the possibility for an webmaster to easy write the presentation (namne, age, position, former clubs etc) into a form and save it to the database. I want this form to be "open" so that I (or the webmaster) can deside what the headlines should be. For an exampel "Name", "Age" and "Position" nothing more. Another webmaster maybe wants more possibilities to fill in and then he easy can set them up.

I´m not sure if it´s possible to hack the sections module or if a new module needs to be made. But I think it would be possible to hack the admin area of the section, or?

I hope you understand what I´m looking for.

I´m willing to pay for this module or hack. Please contact me here on XOOPS community or my e-mail richard@skeppare.se.


Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/6 18:36

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

Formulize with the Pageworks add-on might be just the ticket.

Best Regards,

Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.

Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/6 19:23

  • richardw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Maybe it´s the solution, but I´m not sure. I think it´s a bit complicated with the formulize and pageworks. I think the solution with a hacked Sections would be more easy for the persons I´m aiming to "give" this tool.´

What I´m thinking of to do is give away a complete homepage suite to soccer team and others sports to. And I don´t want to spend to much time on supporting them :) It have to be easy and simple, but yet powerful.

The form must have this possibilities:
1. Upload picture
2. The possibility to make custom form templates were an novice can understand what to do.
3. When saving the page/presentation of the player should appear in a list.
4. I also want the possibility to manage one or many different teams, exampel a men and a women soccer team.

Thanks for the tips about Formulize. I´m greatful for all help! I´ll will check the module deeper to see if it´s possible or not.

Sorry for my bad english. It´s hard to write fast and correct in english :)

Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/7 7:31

  • richardw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Sorry for posting again.

I hope someone can help me modify Sections module for me (if it´s possible). I pay for the help because I really need it. So please someone out there, help me.

A question/solution that came to me when I was lying in my bed: is it possible to clone the sections module? That should solve the "problem" with multiple teams (men, women, child teams) easy - or?

If it´s possible is it "only" the possibility to make my own forms in the admin area I´m looking for and need help with. Forms with the possiblity to upload pictures like the one in weblog module.


Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/9 14:28

  • richardw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2003/4/15

I feel the need, the need to post again - sorry!

Please someone, help me! I´ll pay for the help.

Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/9 14:43

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

You may want to approach www.Smartfactory.ca - as I know they do have some people who can handle some paid projects if required... perhaps something based on Smartsections?

Re: New module or a hack?
  • 2005/10/9 14:56

  • richardw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2003/4/15

Thanks for the tips! I´m really grateful. I´ll contact them. But if there is someone out there who think they have a smart solution for my problem/qutestion, don´t hesitate to contact me.

Re: New module or a hack?

I wish I had caught this sooner. We shall have to track the regular forums more closely since Formulize is getting "into the wild" through the repository (we're used to thinking of it existing only on the dev.xoops.org site).

Anyway, Formulize and Pageworks would be good for this kind of thing, but I imagine based on the timing of these posts, that something else has been done to fill the void.

The documentation for Pageworks is still more in the "reference" side of things and not enough "how-to", but writing good docs, especially for development tools, is challenging.

Anyway, in a nutshell, for anyone reading this now or in the future who is wondering how it could be done....

1. Make a form that people can fill in with the info you want. Add a field that is only visible to your moderator group which they can check off if they want this posted as news, or whatever you want to call it.

2. Make a Framework for that form alone (create a second "dummy" form with one textbox to use as the second form in the Framework).

3. Make a Pageworks page that connects to the Framework and then use some custom code sort of like this to handle the display of the info...

foreach($data as $entry) {
display($entry"publish")) {
"<h1>" display($entry"name") . "</h1>";
"<p>" display($entry"team") . "</p>";
"<p>" display($entry"age") . "</p>";

4. Make a block that contains the Pageworks page and put that block on your site whereever you need it displayed.

That's only an overview obviously, but it's all doable through configuration in the admin-side, except for the small custom code you'd need in the Pageworks page to control the formatting of your info.

Technical Architect - Freeform Solutions
Formulize - custom registration forms, ad hoc forms and reports


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