bug in wf-channel with pagebreak tag
  • 2005/9/30 19:37

  • torpedez

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/9/30

First of all, i'm sorry for my english.

Sorry if is not the correct thread.

I noticed a little bug in wf-channel module with pagebreak tag.
When you use pagebreak in a page that will be the index page of the module, calls to it are given without "pagenum" param.
Don't know why, but php code can't extract the actual index (integer intex of the page in module) of the page.
This makes bad url creation link y multipage navigators like this:
look at the "pagenum="

I "walkarounded" it by putting the index hardcoded of my index page when no pageindex (pageindex == '') is given.

Perhaps better
if (pageindex == '')
pageindex = getModuleIndexPage();

but i don't know if exists, jet implemented in code but failing for another reason... or the way to build it (novice driving :) ).
sure is a 10 seconds work for you.
best regards,


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