Re: google?
  • 2005/9/22 16:02

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

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I had a ctr of about 20%, on my other ads (tradedoubler, and some dutch systems) I have about 9%. Fair to say that I give free websites... and I have a lot of satisfied users

I just started using Adsense.

Of course they can't monitor these sites themselves, the point is that they can just block or filter the false clicks... Just closing an account is theft!

Some reliable systems: clicksor.com, tradedoubler.com.

Re: google?

well make sure you get your $5 from clicksor as I just added their ads to my website, we'll see what happens.

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 8:38

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

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Well, you didn't register through http://www.newhope-ghana.com didn't you. Grmbl?! Could have done some great things with 5USD

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 8:54

  • Housefly

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 49

  • Since: 2005/3/29


zeroram wrote:
For what i know...Adsense is a mix between impresions and clicks from that total it will convert to a certain %

example yesterday i got

Page impressions  Clicks  Page CTR  Page  eCPM Earnings  
,345               36     1.5%     $0.38   $0.89  

it will also depends on how much that advertiser bid 
for their links if they bid low.. you will get peaunuts

as you see is a mixed % between the conversion of clicks and impressions.

BTW as you am not getting any richer with this

I should say this eCPM earnings is very low. I don't know how page impression works in adsense but mine average is $0.13 per click.

Re: google?


luciano wrote:
Well, you didn't register through http://www.newhope-ghana.com didn't you. Grmbl?! Could have done some great things with 5USD

Well I've already cancelled my clicksor ads after only 1 day. I found that they were making highlight ads on text of my web page OUTSIDE OF THE BOX!!!

basically if someone wrote some text about New York the city in a fourm, New York would become a highlighted hyperlink and when your mouse hovered it would bring up a popover for the ad.

This is totally not what I signed up for and no indication that this was going to happen.

Not a company I would reccomend regardless of how much they were paying.

Thanks for the suggestion in the first place though.


Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 15:05

  • tzvook

  • Just can't stay away

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Hello all

I was using adsense for some time ...
was making a few $$$$ a day, and, yes, they shut me off too.

It seems like a phenomena to me, I read a lot about it since: the google adsense advertizers are scared like hell from being shut off, and looks like the "friendli Giant" is turning into something else slowly

I was really mad, and replied their Email with a lot of anger.

When http://gifts.meant4u.com/modules/newbb/ was built, there were 2 peoples that was sitiing for a few days to enter the first websites to the directory, and to write the categories ... I saw they used the google adsense a few (or more then a few) times to link to sites that was interesting them.
More then that, our network has 8 computers now that has the same IP, so I muyself worked in there too and my Google adsense controlPanel was open ..... all this probably lead to the cancelation of the account.

I think that Google has a lot of bad points in here: from what I read competitive sites weere clicking on their competing site ads for banning it (lots of clicks from same IP) and so on ...
further more - why banning on clicks from same IP, why not ignoring those clicks, hey, I got a link in my site, I want to see it sometimes, especially when it's deals with the same content as my site does....

Now, remember that I'm talking about very few traffic and very few adsense clicks .... not a good reason to ban our account.

Since then , I lost my Google appetite, NO MORE GOOGLE FOR ME !!! , I hate this kind of acting, I'm heading to Yahoo and hope their "adsense similar" ads program will be better then google.
I also removed google search panel from all our computers, as I said, boolies , not in my neigbourhood.

Re: google?

yep it's bullshit I mean if you really wanted to rip google off you could use proxies and fake ip addresses etc.

I think they need to tread very carefully here as the worm could turn very easily on them, especially when their field salesforce is crap (according to my wife who was asked to sit in on a few marketing meetings for her company who was trialling some google ads).


Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 15:28

  • tzvook

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 875

  • Since: 2003/2/1 2


dean_collins wrote:
I think they need to tread very carefully here as the worm could turn very easily on them...

I does now already ... I have about 50 to 100 customers, some are quite big, that will probably get the poison from me, if I'll want it or not !!!

I maybe need to be more calm about it, but, hey, I simply hate this kind of behaviour, it reminds me something from the Redmound smells

I wrote them that they should warn befor doing that, a simple redish warning table in the control panel would do the job.
and/or banning for a week or two would be a better solution too (enough to see what's wrong) !!!

From what I read I think they earn a few Milions $$$ a month just from cancelling those accounts with money in them

Re: google?
  • 2005/9/23 18:17

  • luciano

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 261

  • Since: 2003/11/3

dean: yep those highlighted words are also bothering me a bit... on the other had I'm sure that they will get me a huge CTR.

tzvook: I agree, unacceptable! I even talked to my laywer, but I havo no proof that there was anything on the account. The only thing I can do right now is to "spread the word". I even plan to set up a little website about this ripoff, wonder if it will get a good ranking

Re: google?

ha ha thats quite funny.


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