I had a problem with the migration of my xoops-website.
And it is an odd trouble: everything seems to be OK, but when I login, it shows "No existe ese documento. Revise la direccion.", what means "That document does not exists. Please check out the url."
But if I open a new tab (using mozilla) and put in the same url, EVERYTHING is ok.
Another hint: I created a redirection from the old site to new one. If I get the error message, and I try to redirect from old to new, everything's ok.
I tried to delete /templates_c and it did not worked. I have also replaced every "http://oldsite.old" to "http://newsite.new".
Data: XOOPS 2.0.7
Database: mysql
Old website: valleandarax dot org
New website: www dot juntadeandalucia dot es slash averroes slash valleandarax
P.D.: An spanish answer would be really nice