You'd need to do it using PHP MyAdmin or similar to copy the database table from one DB to another.
Moreover, you'd need to edit the table configuration (field names etc...) to make them match between the two versions.
XOOPS 2.2.3 uses a new system for users (extended profiles etc...) so I'm not even sure it can be done.
BUT, if I was doing it, I'd copy the xps_users table from the 2.0.7 version into the 2.2.3 DB then I'd edit the imported 2.0.7 table to match the 2.2.3 users table finally I'd rename the old 2.2.3 table and rename the 2.0.7 table to replace it.
Again, given the versions are quite different, it could be a mission, but it probably can be done.
good luck,