I hope you can help me out in trying to get XOOPS to authenticate to a W2K3 Active Directory.
So far I am only getting these PHP errors
Notice [PHP]: Undefined variable: userDN in file class/auth/auth_ldap.php line 105 or
Warning [PHP]: ldap_bind() [function.ldap-bind]: Unable to bind to server: Invalid credentials in file class/auth/auth_ldap.php line 91
Basically I am trying to authenticate to my AD where dn's look like this:-
DN: CN=common name,OU=London Site Users,DC=domain,DC=org
Problem 1) CN's have a space in them and XOOPS does not allow login names with spaces
Problem 2) We have users in several different OU's which appear at the top level of the domain. This means I cannot specify my base DN as OU=London Site users, DC=Domain,DC=org, since this will exclude other OU's. I also do not want users to have to login with their CN as well as their OU (tedious!)
I use other PHP (PHPldapadmin) tools on my webserver to bind
to and search the AD using LDAP. I would always have to use a username something like
common.name@domain.org in order to
bind successfully, this was along with a base DN of
Please can you help me to sort out the authentication if it is at all possible.
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