Yes, I have a code snippet supporting this:
in class/database/sqlutility.php, replace prefixQuery() function with this:
* add a prefix.'_' to all tablenames in a query
* @param string $query valid SQL query string
* @param string $prefix prefix to add to all table names
* @return mixed FALSE on failure
function prefixQuery($query, $prefix)
$pattern = "/^(INSERT INTO|CREATE TABLE|ALTER TABLE|UPDATE)(s)+([`]?)([^`s]+)\3(s)+/siU";
$pattern2 = "/^(DROP TABLE)(s)+([`]?)([^`s]+)\3(s)?$/siU";
$pattern3 = "/(REFERENCES)(s)+([`]?)([^`s]+)\3/iU";
if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $matches) || preg_match($pattern2, $query, $matches)) {
$replace = "\1 ".$prefix."_\4\5";
$matches[0] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $query);
$matches[0] = preg_replace($pattern3, $replace, $matches[0]);
return $matches;
return false;
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