strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/28 3:00

  • pvtpyro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2005/2/24

My website has a strange bar on the top I don't know how to get rid of.
It only appears in IE

here's the css. any ideas?

/*Structure */
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html .NavMenu td positionrelative;} /* ie 5.0 fix */

/*NewBB */
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li.newbb_folder {border1px solid #000000;    /* Should be the same color as above */color: #ffffff;         /* Textcolor of the Dropdownmenu Title */background: #000000;}

li.newbb_folder:before {content"";}
newbb_link:hover {color#ffffff          !important;        /* Hover Color of the Links */}

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 3:03

  • shank

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2004/8/17

what is the content of your styleNN.css file?

This is the stylesheet it uses in firefox, and with IE it loaded style.css.

Does that help any?
s l s h a n k l e @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 4:50

  • pvtpyro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2005/2/24

Same thing...
@import url(style.css);

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 13:37

  • shank

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2004/8/17

My guess is that it has something to do with IE and the PNG files, and not the CSS file.

See if you can convert the #header-l, #header-r, #page-ml, and #page-mr images to gif and change the link in the CSS and see if it works.

I just noticed you have some goofy stuff at the bottom of the page also.

Other than the above suggestion I don't know, but I will keep looking over it and see if I can come up with anything else.
s l s h a n k l e @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 17:42

  • pvtpyro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2005/2/24

goofy stuff?
I haven't changed anything except the colors... i think.

I'll give that gif thing a shot. thank you.

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 19:07

  • Grizzlydk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2005/2/24

IE and Firefox doesn't allways display the page in the same way.

I looked at your tags on the site and got this...

div id="page-ml">
div id="page-mr">

div id="header-l"><div id="header-r">
div class="description">
a href="http://www.butlerpcg.org"><img src="http://www.butlerpcg.org/themes/pyro/images/header_logo.jpg" alt="" />a>
div id="navigbar">

So the funky bar can only come from the css on:
1. id="page-ml" or
2. id="page-mr" or
3. id="header-1"

try changing the color codes in the css... to check it out
Danish is viery iasy to spoke

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 21:03

  • pvtpyro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2005/2/24

didn't work.
i tried one at a time making those ttransparent. but it makes my whole page transparent.

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/29 23:01

  • shank

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2004/8/17

Here is something else to try: In your CSS file, comment out the #page-mr line, then, if that doesn't fix it, try commenting out the #page-ml line instead, and see if that does anything?

If one of them gets rid of the black background, and the other gets rid of the white outline let me know that too, and which one does which.
s l s h a n k l e @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/30 1:45

  • pvtpyro

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 67

  • Since: 2005/2/24

ml gets rid of the black background,
mr gets rid of the white border. but without them both i dont have a style at all.

Re: strange bar on top...
  • 2005/8/30 3:35

  • shank

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 144

  • Since: 2004/8/17

What happens if you remove the margin info from #page-ml?
s l s h a n k l e @ b e l l s o u t h . n e t


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