I've discovered some problems with News 1.4 (at least on my installation)
Here's what I've done so far:
- I created a couple of test news categories and stories so that I could try out the formatting of the recent news block.
- I then go to the blocks section and centre this block and enable it.
- Checking the home page results in the recent test news articles being displayed as expected in the block.
- I then go to the blocks page and edit the recent news block. There are plenty of options here, and it looks just what I need :)
Thing is, when I make a change here, and submit it, the recent news block vanishes from the home page, and the only way to get it to re-appear is to update the news module, which then will obviously reset the settings.
I've done some testing, and here's what I've noticed:
- The news articles are still viewable when you visit the news module - and they're editable as usual.
- The same thing happens with the Top News block
- The Random News block appears to work normally (although the functionality of random news isn't as big - not as many options)
I've been able to get some things to display in the Top/Recent News blocks. To do this, I had to have spotlight enabled and the Display option set to "Tabbed" - it doesn't work with "Classical" and if you disable spotlight, there's nothing displayed.
This might explain why the Random News block appears to work, as there are no settings for classical/tabbed display.
I'm using xoops- and the news module is version 1.4
Have you come across this one before?
I'm keen to get this to work as I think I've finally found the module that does what I need!
Thanks in advance...