Mithrandir wrote:
the variable is <{$xoops_version}>, but whether you can just put a > for comparison, I don't know
Also, you are still not understanding me. The pseudo-code would be something like this:
<{if $xoops_version < "2.1"}>
//include PHP language file for 2.0.x themes//
//call to javascript navigation bar//
and pop the style.css, styleNN.css and styleMAC.css files in the themes/themename folder
Ok, that's making a bit more sense. Sorry for getting confused. So, if < 2.1, define the path to the language files. And just have a copy of the css files in both locations. Simple enough.
Now, my next question, can the javascript navigation bar be
excluded unless the XOOPS version is > 2.1?
That's what I was meaning by:
<{if $xoops_version > "2.1"}>
//call to javascript navigation bar//
I know the javascript bar is not essential, and it can be excluded completely, but I kinda like it, so when the XOOPS version is > 2.1, I'd like to keep it.
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