Hi hughs,
I do not know why this is happening but I do know what is happening!
Look at the default template set you will find that one of the modules was not completely uninstalled. You will notice that there are still some templates listed.
To get your template manager working correctly again. You must remove the left over templates from the default set.
I manually edit the default template set with myPhpAdmin. To do this find the name of the left over module or modules that have an incorrect number of templates still lingering in the default set. Locate them the table xxx_tplfile. Scan thought the table using the column tpl_module as your key. Delete each entry form the name of the module in question.
Your template manager will be automagically working again.
Don't forget to remove all of the leftover files!! You will know you have succeeded when the template manager returns to normal.
Urging XOOPS to be the Best It Can Be.