XOOPS 2.2.1 Extended Profiles: No users to select !
  • 2005/8/15 13:15

  • xgoof

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 28

  • Since: 2004/4/28

In the admin of Extended Profiles: There are no users to select... it's possible to find the users via the list link... but after adding them from here, you can edit the profile and save, but next time you come around, there is still no users to select !??

How come ? What went wrong?

I updated from 2.0.13->2.2->2.2.1

Any help would be great. Thanks.

Re: XOOPS 2.2.1 Extended Profiles: No users to select !


xgoof wrote:
In the admin of Extended Profiles: There are no users to select... it's possible to find the users via the list link... but after adding them from here, you can edit the profile and save, but next time you com around there is still no users to select !??

How come ? What went wrong?

I updatede from 2.0.13->2.2->2.2.1

Any help would be great. Thanks.

I am having this same problem. My users can log on, but cannot edit their profiles, and all the posts in our WordPress module now do not show the names of who has posted.

Nor can I, as the admin, post any new entries into WordPress because it says I do not have the proper access rights.

Re: XOOPS 2.2.1 Extended Profiles: No users to select !
  • 2005/8/17 15:29

  • Jirian

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 4

  • Since: 2002/12/6

I'm having the same problem, ammong others. I also took the same upgrade root as you. But if I find the users through system instead of extended profiles, I can still edit them.

Re: XOOPS 2.2.1 Extended Profiles: No users to select !

Still having this problem. I tried rebuilding the System module, clearing the cache, and the templates cache, to no avail.

I can see all my users in the Database and we can log in, but when going to look at my users in Xoops, 0 Active and 0 Inactive.

As a result, I cannot post a single thing in Wordpress because oddly enough XOOPS thinks I'm a guest user when looking at the "Who's on", which is probably passing on to other Modules. Previous postings on my Wordpress don't even show my name as the poster.


I created a brand new user and noticed that XOOPS recognized the name, etc. so I looked for any difference between that new user and the existing users in my database.

Previously xoops_user_profile had zero rows. When the new user signed up, a line appeared, with the correct new user's profileid #. Since my user base is small for my website, it was a piece of cake adding a minorly modified Query this:

INSERT INTO `xoops_user_profile` VALUES (1, '', '', '', '', 1124296823, 0, 0, '', 1, '0', '2281f22d', 1124299035, 'Write a message to {X_UNAME}', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '');

Copy this line for each user, Replace the FIRST 1 with the profileid #.

Careful - It made everyone a "registered user" level, even former Admins were back to "registered user" too.


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