Hi all. Got a question that's over my head. I use Yahoo web hosting. The have a browser based backup tool for MySQL. Every once in a while it just stops working. So I complain to tech support. They keep telling me "The reason that your database backup is not working is the database file ownership keeps changing". So I was like, how the hell am I doing that? So they just keep changing the ownership back to me. It stopped working again today and I flipped. Told them I want my money back, blah blah blah. Then they ask me the following:
"Our records indicate you have made some changes to xoops_myref_* table under your database today, which caused problem. What exact did you to do modify that table? I have fixed the ownership issue for you. You should be able to backup fine now."
I change stuff constantly on my site and don't know what that is. Does anybody have an idea? Is it unique to my site or have other people had similar problems? Thanks for any tips!