Inline Blocks (Include Within Module Page)?
  • 2005/7/30 2:50

  • mboyden

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 484

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

Is there any way to include a block inline in a module? I.e., can I call a function to create a block within the php code of my module and then include that information to variables to use in the module's template?

I have a couple of modules that share a block (from a third module) that our site wants included instead within the layout of the module. Design-wise it makes sense. If I could fairly easily call and include the block in-line in the module code and specify the output to the template, that would make it easier than some other hacks i've made. The biggest thing I've run into is dealing with the constants (//blocks.php) not being automatically loaded.

It might even allow other things that would allow the developer to check and make sure the block exists first. I searched around but couldn't find it. If anyone has done this, I'd love to get your insight instead of reverse-engineering that part of the code or continuing my hack.
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