what about merging "preferences" and "module" admin menus
  • 2005/7/29 16:36

  • Xavier

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2004/5/12

First of all, i will thank here and again the core team for the huge job on this new version. I'm discovering it slowly , and there's some deep job done here !
The new block instanciation system simply ROCKS , and as a consequence, the blocks admin page gets simpler to browse (thanks again Mith !). The idea of clean drop down menus on top of all admin pages is great, making the admin side far clearer to understand. Yet i'have a couple of questions/suggestions :

1) Preferences vs Module menus
Preferences pages are automatic forms, constructed out of module xoops_version.php. The other module admin pages are "hard coded" by the module developer, yet declared in the xoops_version.php file to have menus pointing to them.

But these are purely technical considerations : from the user point of view, both preferences and "hardcoded" admin pages show module tuning and administrating options.
Why not merging the "preferences" and "module" drop down menus (as it was before ) ?

2) XOOPS coding standard
We had previously (on dev.xoops.org) recommendations to build admin pages with top (and pretty) tabs ; i suppose this is now obsolete, as the drop down menus give quick and easy access to each page


Re: what about merging "preferences" and "module" admin menus
  • 2005/7/29 17:34

  • gtop00

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 498

  • Since: 2004/11/13

I would also recommend to merge the "General" and "User Settings" at Extended Profiles Preferences.

Also, the User functions are met at 3 different menues:
- Preferences
- Modules
- Users

Is it necessary? Can they all be under a single drop down?


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