I am having trouble with netpbm for gallery. I don't have access on ftp to any directories above my home directory, so I just uploaded netpbm to a regular directory on my site, and I THINK I have the path right. However, when I run check_netpbm.php i get a blank screen. actually when i go to the php file directly it redirects me to the gallery page in the admin panel, and when I click check netpbm from there it brings me to
http://www.bhsitalytrip.org/modules/xoopsgallery/admin/index.php?op=check_netpbm which is a blank page. so:
1) how do I verify the path of the directory I uploaded to
2) why can't I check it right?
I posted this in the gallery's website too, just hoping for a higher chance of quick responses.