I want users to be able to add a comment just before they read my news in the Articles module, and that they wouldn't have to first click the "Send a comment" button..
I've guessed the sollution is in the article_item.html file but can't figure out what exactly to do..
Here's the code
<{if $noart neq 1}>
<{foreach item=article from=$articles}>
<{$article.article_title}> |
<{if $show_art_posted eq 1}> <{$posted_on}> <{$article.art_posted_datetime}> <{/if}> <{if $show_art_poster eq 1}> <{$art_post_by}> href="<{$xoops_url}>/userinfo.php?uid=<{$article.art_author_id}>"><{$article.art_author_name}> <{/if}> <{if $show_art_reads eq 1}> (<{$article.art_views}> <{$art_reads_cap}>) <{/if}> |
<{$article.art_article_text}> <{if $numpages neq 1}> <{$article.pagenum}> <{$article.pageofint}> <{$article.pageof}> <{$article.pagenumint}> | <{$article.pageprev}> :: <{$article.pagenext}> |
<{/if}> |
<{if $comment_mode == "flat"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_flat.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "thread"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_thread.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "nest"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_nest.html"}>
<{if $noart eq 1}>
Would be grateful for any help.