I found out about XOOPS when I was investigating GoDaddy.com as a web host. They listed it as if it were something they provided some nominal support for and I thought "cool!". Well, they don't... I've installed PHP-Nuke and others at work so I thought, no big deal.
I carefully prepped things according to Horacio's nice install doc and uploaded everything to the root dir on my account @ GoDaddy.com (
http://www.under-the-radar-detroit.com) and the install CLAIMED to work (I had all green lights on the install interface). When I surfed in, I got a completely white browser window. Yikes! After a little looking around, I figured that it was that the 3 directories (uploads/, templates_c/ & ??) were not there.
So I deleted everything and started over making sure that the directories Horacio called out were there _AND_ they were writeable. So far so good.
I then did a re-install. Got the same white screen! UGH!
So today I deleted everything _AGAIN_ and tried creating a directory called html/ under my root directory to put everything into. Uploaded and did the install from there and VIOLA!! it is working.
That's nice but the URL ends up being
http://www.under-the-radar-detroit/html to get to the real site and I don't really want that. Can anyone who is an installer doji master give me some clues as to why the install would only create a valid site if it were located in a subdirectory of the root? PHP does work from the root directory -- I coded up a short PHP script just to make sure that it does...
I find this perplexing... It isn't going to stop the show since I also have a huge learning curve to figure out how to make XOOPS implement my vision for this site -- I'll suffer with /html/ for now but I would like to know what is going on...
dennis parrott