Blocks questions
  • 2005/6/26 0:16

  • stef_nyc

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2005/6/26

Hi everybody..

I am working on a new xoops-powered website, but i have some problems. Ok, what i am trying to do is to put the user menu and the main menu together. I tried to take the code from both of the templates and create a new block-it doesn't work. Then, i tried to copy the code from the main menu template to the template for the user menu (and the other way around also) - it doesn't want to work again. I tried to edit the system_block_user file and add the main menu code to it, but it doesn't work also.

What is the right way to do that?


Re: Blocks questions
  • 2005/6/26 1:49

  • pod

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 301

  • Since: 2003/4/19

The smarty tags in the block templates are block-specific so you can't just move the codes around like that. You could hard code the user menu into the main menu pretty easily though (cut & paste the actual html for the usermenu, not the block template), or you could try the MultiMenu module.
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