That's the wierd thing, I moved articles into the new section, thinking that was the problem. But the section still doesn't show up anywhere. It's like a black hole.
I'm not really getting any error messages either. That's the strange thing.
Here's what I'm doing:
Going to section management and create a new section with the following settings:
- Select HTML Document: wfsection_artindex.html
- All groups have access
- Section weight: 2 (I only have 1 other section)
- Section name: Business
- Display in Sections: Left default "-------" as I want it to be a main section.
- Section image: defaulted & n/a
- Category Byline text: Articles relating to business
- Strip HTML Tags?: no
- Category Page Header & Footer: left blank
- Add Section to Main menu?, Disable Html?, Disable Smilies?, Disable XOOPS Codes?, Disable Images?, Use breaks?: all set to no
I then go to my Document Management screen, select a article to edit, and go into it's edit mode. I re-assign the category for the article and save the article again.
I then go back to the main page of WF-Section (Library) and under the section listings at the bottom of the page there is still only one category listed.
I even updated the module using the module control panel thinking maybe the db needed freshing up but that didn't seem to help either. Weird. :(