WF-Section & new sections not appearing.
  • 2005/6/13 0:06

  • Retlaw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/1/25

Normally I would have jumped over to the WF-Projects site to ask this, but since they appear to be down for maintenance or something, I thought I'd ask here and hopefully someone can help.

I'm running XOOPS with WF-Sections 2.01 and trying for the life of me to get new sections to appear in the module. I can create them, no problem. I can move documents into the new section via the admin panel, no problem. It's just these new sections *never* show up in either the "section Listings" on the main page of the module, or in the pulldown nav in the existing sections.

What's going on here? I'm not getting any PHP errors other than the already pre-defined variables errors that daibt got here. So what gives?

Re: WF-Section & new sections not appearing.
  • 2005/6/13 8:17

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

New secttion will only show if there are articles within the section.

If that is not the case can you please give me more information as to what is happening and what you did, so I can try and reproduce the error/bug.



Re: WF-Section & new sections not appearing.
  • 2005/6/15 1:41

  • Retlaw

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2005/1/25

That's the wierd thing, I moved articles into the new section, thinking that was the problem. But the section still doesn't show up anywhere. It's like a black hole.

I'm not really getting any error messages either. That's the strange thing.

Here's what I'm doing:

Going to section management and create a new section with the following settings:

- Select HTML Document: wfsection_artindex.html
- All groups have access
- Section weight: 2 (I only have 1 other section)
- Section name: Business
- Display in Sections: Left default "-------" as I want it to be a main section.
- Section image: defaulted & n/a
- Category Byline text: Articles relating to business
- Strip HTML Tags?: no
- Category Page Header & Footer: left blank
- Add Section to Main menu?, Disable Html?, Disable Smilies?, Disable XOOPS Codes?, Disable Images?, Use breaks?: all set to no

I then go to my Document Management screen, select a article to edit, and go into it's edit mode. I re-assign the category for the article and save the article again.

I then go back to the main page of WF-Section (Library) and under the section listings at the bottom of the page there is still only one category listed.

I even updated the module using the module control panel thinking maybe the db needed freshing up but that didn't seem to help either. Weird. :(


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