So I finally figured out how to turn PHP debug on. I decided to roll back XOOPS to a point before I had installed the wfsection module (using a nice little perl script I made that copies XOOPS and the mySQL database for backup and allows me to revert to any previous version I want). Rather than go with version 1.01 of the module, which was generating lots of blank pages and is relatively old I decided to go with 2.07 beta 3, the newest version. I had tried it before but I had not been able to install it before for some odd reason it was making XOOPS freak out whenever I tried to go to the modules admin page. It seems there was some sort of fatal error inside the PHP code that was causing XOOPS to stop rendering HTML so I couldn't even see the module in the install list, nor could I see any module whose directories inode number was greater than the wfsection directory's. Now that I have PHP debug on I was able to shed some light on the problem. At first I was getting some redeclared variable errors inside of the wfsarticle.php file inside the declaration of the WfsArticle class. I commented out the redeclared variables (why they were left in there is beyond me) but then I came to this error:
Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /engtools/local_advtech_develop/apache2/htdocs.xoops.v006/modules/wfsection/class/wfsarticle.php on line 591
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: logopath in file modules/wfsection/class/common.php line 92
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: logopath in file modules/wfsection/class/common.php line 93
Here is the code in surrounding the error:
585 function getArticle($articleid)
586 {
587 $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE articleid=" . $articleid . " ";
588 $array = $this->db->fetchArray($this->db->query($sql));
589 if (!is_array($array))
590 {
591 $this = false;
592 return false;
593 }
594 $this->makeArticle($array);
595 }
This error is a bit much for me to handle without serious understanding of what is going on. I don't feel comfortable trying to change any of this code as I don't want to break it more than it already is broken. Does anyone know what this error means exactly? Has anyone else even encountered this before?