Okay... I went into the file:
admin_cat_manager.php in the module's admin directory, and found a line:
$fc->setVar('cat_showdescript', @$_POST['show']);
I changed it to the following to force it to have a value:
$fc->setVar('cat_showdescript', @$_POST['show']+0);
But then I got a _new_ error message:
INSERT INTO xoops_bb_categories (cat_id, cat_image, cat_title, cat_description, cat_order, cat_state, cat_url, cat_showdescript) VALUES (0, 'blank.gif', 'test', '', 0, 0, 'https://xoops.org XOOPS', 1 )
Error number: 1054
Error message: Unknown column 'cat_image' in 'field list'
So, I looked in my database, and discovered that my "xoops_bb_categories" table only has three fields:
cat_id, cat_title, cat_order
I'm guessing there's a teensy problem with the install/update script for CBB.
So... I went digging in the sql directory, and grabbed out the description of the xoops_bb_categories field, and used it to recreate the table.
What creeps me out a little bit is that this involved dropping (erasing) the table, and making an empty one... but when I went into the category editing area, one of my existing categories was still there... but not the other one. Neither should have been. This I don't understand.
It _looks_ like this has fixed the problem for me. I'm hoping that I'm not going to keep running into little "speedbumps" like this throughout using CBB. CBB Looks like it's loaded with cool features, and I'm hoping to be able to use it.