2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/28 11:10

  • st00dent

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2005/5/3 2

I am using wf-sections and am pretty happy with it, but I am having 2 problems with it.
1: I have the recent articles block on the right of my main page and I want it to display text only(no icons). I have tried editing the block options but the icons are still appearing.

2: I have change the weight values of the different sections, but they are not moving. For example, I currently have the section 'games' set to weight 3, but it is at the top. I dont understand it

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Re: 2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/28 16:21

  • karedokx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 319

  • Since: 2004/7/1 6

what version of wf-sections are you using?

1. i need to look at the code further whether this can be done through the option setting. however you should be able to edit the block template (wfsections\templates\blocks\wfs_block_new.php) and delete the following lines:

<{foreach item=wfs from=$block.new}>


<{if $wfs.image}>


<{if $wfs.summary}>


2. to set the weight, if you are using the 2.0.7 version, go to the Weight Management menu and set the weight there. your section should be displayed correctly.

Re: 2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/28 16:32

  • st00dent

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2005/5/3 2

The version I'm using says it is 2.91 in the module admin
but the bug update file in the documentation says
23 September 2004 - Version 2.0.7 beta1

Its the hacked one with added pdf support

I've tried changing the options in weight management, but the sections still always appear in alphabetical order.

What I have noticed about the image thing is that if I change the option to display the images to "no" and click submit, then they still appear and when I reload the option page it has switched itself back to "yes" (or not changed in the first place)

I will try editing the template as you say


Re: 2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/28 18:06

  • st00dent

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 47

  • Since: 2005/5/3 2

OK, I may have an idea of what is wrong. Sorry I am quite new to this so this might seem a bit simple:)
I am using a custom theme and when I go to templates in the system admin, there is a 0 by wf-sections in my template set (however there are 21 under the default template set)

If I click generate and then change the options again should it work?
Or am I totally off track?:)

Re: 2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/29 18:56

  • brigarkee

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  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2005/4/10

Please forgive me if I am way off with this, but I have noticed that some changes that I make when I make them won't update right away even with refreshing.. Then if I go in and update whatever modules I have messed with including the system admin module, then go in and check to update site template in the sys admin / pref, then go in to view my site, refresh, it sometimes takes... I am finding some odd fixes to my problems, but I have noticed that this has worked at some points... maybe something to try.. again, I may be way off.

Re: 2 annoying problems with wf-sections
  • 2005/5/30 9:23

  • karedokx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 319

  • Since: 2004/7/1 6

i don't have any experiences with custom template yet myself. so far, what i have done is changing the template php files themselves in my test environment and got it uploaded to my production machine and got the module updated.

others please correct me if i'm wrong.

for every changes we made in the application (php file), make sure to update the module (might not neccessary if what we change is the includes file? but hey, just update the module).

for the template, clear the template buffer files, and regenerate the template. it should pick the latest template.


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