WF-Section - Topic Problems
  • 2005/5/29 16:58

  • brigarkee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2005/4/10

I'm hoping someone might be able to help me and tell me what modification I need to make for a specific problem I am having with the wf section module-

I believe I have the blocks set correctly, but when I visit the site and click on my wf section module (which is titled RATE & REVIEW) on my site under main menu, it does not offer the drop down menu of topics for me. Eventually it will after I click on a subject in the main center block, or after I click on it a couple of times, and then it will show up.

When I'm not logged into the site it shows it automatically. Maybe I do not have my blocks set correctly, but I can't figure out what I need to do then.

I would prefer to have that drop down come up either initially on entry to the site, or, preferably, when someone clicks on Rate & Review- whichever way though would be fine with me though because I want this to be available easily on log-in. When I haven't logged on, it only shows all the topics minus the submit which is exactly how I wish it to be.

I just don't understand why it disappears on log-in.

I'm sorry if this is confusing... but there is one other thing... I also do not want for the Ratings & Reviews block to show at the top when logged in which it is every time - this is wf section as well, and when I disable this for some reason it is taking away the menu drop down all together in my main menu... very odd.

Re: WF-Section - Topic Problems
  • 2005/5/29 17:18

  • brigarkee

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2005/4/10

Ok.. I'm sorry.. I have solved part of this... I have removed the top block for the ratings & reviews.. but I am still having a problem with the display for the wf-section menu topics.

To simplify this- when you are an anonymous viewer, the wf section plus the drop down menu for the wf section module
shows up exactly as it should. Once you log on, the wf section title remains but the drop down disappears. There is no telling what you have to do to make it reappear, I have clicked on my wf section (RATE & REVIEW) title a couple of times and it has finally displayed, it's just not reacting properly. I want for people to see this menu when they get into the Rate & Review section right away so they can submit a review if they want to. I don't want for them to have to play with it to get it to display right away.

I hope I made this more clear... I apologize for my description of what is going on.. it is very strange.
I am also running the wf section 2.0.7 beta 3 if this is of any help.. and I have read there are bugs with this, so I guess I just need to know which php to modify if this is where the problem lies.


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