I really did not found any problem to get it work on 2.2.1 instead of the standard module (I just put the files together and placed it in /modules as /pm; then I changed the links for path and URLs in that files and it works fine). Until we tested it with Norton Firewalls. There is the only problem I believe.
The limitations (changing the numbers of PMs for different groups etc - which does not work) are small. But the value is far beyond the module that comes with xoops.
If the firewall problem can be solved, and if you pack the files together as a module (just the files which go into the root dir are needed in /modules/pm), then this would be a real enhencement of xoops.
Come on - give me a hint, which parts of the code are responsible for the firewall problem

You did a great work. Do not give it up.

We are using PHP 5.0.4-0.9sarge1 on Debian Sarge and XOOPS 2.2.1 (german bundle).
We now have changed our PM-setup this way:
All files are from the hack, except pmlite.php, which is from XOOPS 2.2.1. All files from the hack, which where not in directories are in /modules/pm.
Norton Prob looks like beeing solved!How to bundle (our setup)a.) Get the latest Wanikoo-Hack available.
b.) Get XOOPS 2.2.1
c.) Install XOOPS 2.2.1
d.) Save /modules/pm locally
e.) Unpack the hack
f.) If on holes in the Wall (windows): Get yourself a workable editor
g.) load all files which are in the root (basis) directory of the hack into the editor.
h.) change all links up to /modules/pm, respectively down to where the linked files are (e.g. instead of "mainfile.php" ../../mainfile.php etc).
i.) delete /modules/pm on your server
j.) create /modules/pm on your server
h.) copy all files which should "normally" go to the XOOPS root from the hack to /modules/pm
k.) copy all other files into the directories where the belong.
l.) open the pmlite.php from the saved (original) /modules/pm with an editor.
find: " if (isset($_REQUEST['savecopy']) && $_REQUEST['savecopy'] == 1) {
//PMs are by default not saved in outbox"
change to: " if (isset($_REQUEST['savecopy']) && $_REQUEST['savecopy'] == 0) {
//PMs are by default not saved in outbox"
Find the template and comment out the lines which the yes / no for saving the message (I havent done this now).
--- Messages are now saved automatically and that looks like solving the problem with Norton Firewall ---
m.) Copy the pmlite.php into your new directory /modules/pm.
Check everythink. If any errors occure, they should just result from wrong links and can be solved easily....
Dont forget to get the tables from the hack into your mysql-db. Have a close look at the readme etc from the hack!