Hi, I'm a new user to Xoops. I have a problem. I wanted to put my main page to display the news section. While I was able to do this by making module to start with news, I wanted to display another module which is comics (display random comic) at the bottom of the page, but I wasnt able to do that, as the comics is displayed on top. I tried setting the weight of the news from 20, then change to 50 and even 200, heheh. it will still be on top.
But here is the case, when I use theme Filblack3d and all the other themes including default, the comics module is displayed on top of the news. But when I use whitetogray theme, the comics will go at the bottom.
Is there a way of making news display on the main page, and having comics module being on the bottom, and if possible at the bottom of every page? Case is, I dont want whitetogray theme, I want filt3dblack