Private Forums

I just installed the new phpbb and first of all I LOVE IT. Second I have one question. Can we still do private forums? And if so how? Where do we set permissions for each member?

Re: Private Forums
  • 2005/5/8 4:27

  • Dave_L

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2277

  • Since: 2003/11/7

phpbb? Do you mean newbb?

Didn't you already post a topic about this?

Re: Private Forums

I meant the newbb. I posted about being hidden and I got that down but now what about private forums? Where I can select each member at a time to enter and view instead of the only options being webmaster, reg users and mods? Kinda understand what I am saying? Like the locked forums.

Re: Private Forums

Any know about the private or locked forums? I feel like I must be looking over something very easy. They were a very vital part of my site due to safety reasons.

Also 2 days live in the newbb and my internet explorer users are complaining about the pages crawling. I have changed and played with Image Type setting to all 3 and none seem to make a difference.

Is there anything else I can try?

Re: Private Forums
  • 2005/5/9 23:02

  • zimmi88

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 57

  • Since: 2005/3/9 1

i looked around in the admin section (for newbb2) and i don't see any setting for the forums for adding/deleting permissions to specific users. i'd try creating a new group for this purpose and setting permissions for the group on the forum's admin page. to set the access permissions for users on newbb2:

1) Go to Forum > Forums from the admin sidebar.
2) Click the edit icon for the forum you'd like to set permissions for.
3) At the top of the page, beside "Global Access Level", check the groups that you'd like to have permission to access the forum.
4) Click Submit at the bottom of the form to save your settings.

Well, i hope that helps. good luck with your site!
-zimmi88 =)


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