Problems installing DMS and other modules
  • 2005/4/26 1:04

  • 5characters

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 1

  • Since: 2005/4/26

Hi, I am having trouble trying to install any module to which I upload to my server.

I uploadf them as it says, to the /modules directory and I place them in their corresponding folder.

However in the Admin Area (Admin / Modules) it somehow does not recognise the folders or their files.
It simply does not show them - it shows all of the pre-installed mods, but not my ones.
So I dont even have the option of installing them.

The two main ones I am trying to install are:
DMS (Document Management System) 0.98
And, MultiMenu 1.7

I listed them under:
(board url) /modules/dms
And (board url) /modules/multiMenu

Please, I really need this fixed soon, and any help is appreciated!

Thanks, 5characters

Re: Problems installing DMS and other modules
  • 2005/4/26 14:37

  • solo71

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2003/1/29

Please, be sure you have correctly transfered the right module directory in the right server directory.

Have a look on this module upload tutorial from warpigw2.com.

Re: Problems installing DMS and other modules
  • 2005/4/26 14:44

  • diyerk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2005/3/16

And also, some modules have the same sub-folder module names inside. Make sure to check the directory tree of the downloaded module after extraction to make sure that this is not the case.

Folder permissions (700) would also give you this headache.


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