Posts disappeared from newbb!!!
  • 2005/4/16 8:21

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

I haven't a clue why this happened, so maybe someone can explain it and tell me how to fix this ASAP:

Our site has been live for only two weeks now and today I found that several rather important newbb (version 1) posts are no longer appearing on the site!

All of the 'missing' post's text is still in the XOOPS database (xoops_bb_posts_text), so what is going on here? In one forum (one that is very much needed), two posts remain but where are the others? Another forum is missing posts as well. I made NO CHANGES to this module today (or even recently) and I can't believe that this has happened. This is very frustrating.

Having these forums available to our registered users is critical for us, so HOW DO I GET THESE MISSING POSTS TO DISPLAY AGAIN? Can someone please help with this or am I out of luck? I'd really appreciate some help.

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!

I do not use version 1 of newbb myself. At the bottom of each forum page there is a "Sort by" options menu. By default I think it is set to "last post time,Decending order, From last 100 days." Is it possible that these post have gone past 100 days, and drop off the list due to this option?


Oops , Missed the 2 week part. Thanks showcase17!!

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!
  • 2005/4/16 12:23

  • showcase17

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 190

  • Since: 2005/1/6 0


jdseymour wrote:
Is it possible that these post have gone past 100 days, and drop off the list due to this option?

Hmmm... on a website which is 2 weeks old?

You could try to synchronise the forums. Maybe it's a better solution to install the newbb2 version.

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!
  • 2005/4/16 15:08

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Sometimes an upgrade doesn't 'fix' anything: It's not the end all, be all solution that most people think it is nor does it FIX THE PROBLEM I'm currently having. What's to say that this won't happen with upgrading to newbb2? I've seen enough posts about people losing old posts after upgrading that it's convinced to not bother with it, especially since newbb1 has worked flawlessly (up 'til yesterday).

Synchronizing the posts has no affect on this issue: Zero. Zilch. Nothing.

And as far as the posts dropping off after 100 days, where is this setting? I've never seen it and it certainly isn't in any of the module settings. Seriously though, I'm going to lose posts after 100 days? For our site needs, that's unacceptable.

Don't misunderstand me: I appreciate the input but I'm still getting nowhere...If this can't be fixed, I'm going to have to shut the site down and revamp it, only without Xoops.

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!

The setting is at the bottom of each forum page. Forum page, not post page, there is a difference.

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!
  • 2005/4/16 21:45

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Okay, silly me for actially missing that but that's a SORTING ISSUE and it certainly doesn't make the missing posts magically reappear---remember, our site's only been live for two weeks, so WHY AREN'T THESE POSTS APPEARING ON THE SITE? The text is in the database, so where are the posts?

Re: Posts disappeared from newbb!!!---FIXED
  • 2005/4/16 22:07

  • Cavan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 218

  • Since: 2004/11/28

Okay, sorry for the over-reaction---I misunderstood the "drop off after 100 days" bit (I thought this meant they were dropped from the database) and I managed to get the sorting feature back and working (it wasn't functioning on my end) so that all posts appear on the site. Now, where do I change the settings for these sorting details? Can they be changed?

Edit: Found it in modules/newbb/viewforum.php, around lines 153-164 (fixes are shown in red:
// assign to template

$sortsince = !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['sortsince']) ? intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['sortsince']) : 365; [color=FF0000]<---CHANGED THIS DEFAULT DISPLAY FROM 100 to 365[/color]
$sel_since_array = array(13714306090180); [color=FF0000]<---CHANGED THESE TO SUIT OUR SITE[/color]
$forum_selection_since '<select name="sortsince">';
foreach (
$sel_since_array as $sort_since_v) {
$forum_selection_since .= '<option value="'.$sort_since_v.'"'.(($sortsince == $sort_since_v) ? ' selected="selected"' '').'>'.sprintf(_MD_FROMLASTDAYS,$sort_since_v).'</option>';
$forum_selection_since .= '<option value="365"'.(($sortsince == 365) ? ' selected="selected"' '').'>'.sprintf(_MD_THELASTYEAR,365).'</option>';
$forum_selection_since .= '<option value="1000"'.(($sortsince == 1000) ? ' selected="selected"' '').'>'.sprintf(_MD_BEGINNING,1000).'</option>';
$forum_selection_since .= '</select>';

A big thank you to everyone who pointed me in the right direction here. Please excue my over-reaction to the situation but seriously, this really threw me when it happened...all's well. Thanks again.


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