Re: News/Articles in multiple categories ?
  • 2005/4/3 23:40

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

...but after all my enthusiasm, I'm sorry to report, it has a few problems that still need to be ironed out.

Re: News/Articles in multiple categories ?
  • 2005/4/4 2:12

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

but they can be fixed!

Re: News/Articles in multiple categories ?
  • 2006/12/18 20:15

  • bricex

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 71

  • Since: 2003/1/16

i can't find the add article link in arMS!

Re: News/Articles in multiple categories ?
  • 2006/12/18 23:14

  • Peekay

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2335

  • Since: 2004/11/20

2) Articles are added using the arMS 'Add Article' side menu link, not the article management screen.

Contrary to all logic, the 'Articles Management' section in arMS admin is NOT where you add articles. To add an article, open the XOOPS homepage and...

a) In the sidebar menu, select the arMS link.
b) Then select the 'Add Article' link that appears below it.
c) Add a title for the article, a description and select a section and level.
d) Press 'submit' and the 'Edit Article' page will appear.

The links at the top of this page are simply quick-links that jump to the various sections of the page. The next step is to add a page to the article.

Adding Pages to Articles

a) Check that the Article data is correct, or edit it.
b) In the 'Pages' section, select the 'Add Page' button. The Edit Page screen will open.
c) Add a title for the page (these are shown at the top of each article).
d) Add a brief description of the page contents (this is shown at the top of each page).
e) Add the main page text.
f) Press the 'submit' button to return to the 'Edit Article' screen.

At this point, the article is 'on hold'. Only the original author and the admin can see it. You can now continue to edit the article and also allow others to become involved in the process. To add another page yourself, select the 'Add Page' button again.

arMS is less than intuitive, but powerful if you need multi-author document creation.
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