It doesn't work for me.
No slideshow regardless of the interval.
I looked at the code and I didn't find the cycling routine so it seems that this is unfinished yet.
Anybody have an idea to implement this feature?
Here it is:
function b_myalbum_rphoto_show( $options )
global $xoopsDB ;
// For myAlbum-P < 2.70
if( strncmp( $options[0] , 'myalbum' , 7 ) != 0 ) {
$photos_num = intval( $options[1] ) ;
$box_size = intval( $options[0] ) ;
$mydirname = 'myalbum' ;
} else {
$photos_num = intval( $options[2] ) ;
$box_size = intval( $options[1] ) ;
$mydirname = $options[0] ;
$cat_limitation = empty( $options[3] ) ? 0 : intval( $options[3] ) ;
$cat_limit_recursive = empty( $options[4] ) ? 0 : 1 ;
$cycle = empty( $options[5] ) ? 60 : intval( $options[5] ) ;
$cols = empty( $options[6] ) ? 1 : intval( $options[6] ) ;
include( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/$mydirname/include/read_configs.php" ) ;
// Category limitation
if( $cat_limitation ) {
if( $cat_limit_recursive ) {
include_once( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/xoopstree.php" ) ;
$cattree = new XoopsTree( $table_cat , "cid" , "pid" ) ;
$children = $cattree->getAllChildId( $cat_limitation ) ;
$whr_cat = "cid IN (" ;
foreach( $children as $child ) {
$whr_cat .= "$child," ;
$whr_cat .= "$cat_limitation)" ;
} else {
$whr_cat = "cid='$cat_limitation'" ;
} else {
$whr_cat = '1' ;
// WHERE clause for ext
// $whr_ext = "ext IN ('" . implode( "','" , $myalbum_normal_exts ) . "')" ;
$whr_ext = "1" ;
$block = array() ;
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance() ;
// Get number of photo
$result = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT count(lid) FROM $table_photos WHERE status>0 AND $whr_cat AND $whr_ext" ) ;
list( $numrows ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $result ) ;
if( $numrows < 1 ) return $block ;
if( $numrows <= $photos_num ) {
$result = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT lid , cid , title , ext , res_x , res_y , submitter , status , date AS unixtime , hits , rating , votes , comments FROM $table_photos WHERE status>0 AND $whr_cat AND $whr_ext" ) ;
} else {
$result = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT lid FROM $table_photos WHERE status>0 AND $whr_cat AND $whr_ext" ) ;
$lids = array() ;
$sel_lids = array() ;
while( list( $lid ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow( $result ) ) $lids[] = $lid ;
srand( intval( time() / $cycle ) * $cycle ) ;
$sel_lids = array_rand( $lids , $photos_num ) ;
if( is_array( $sel_lids ) ) {
$whr_lid = '' ;
foreach( $sel_lids as $key ) $whr_lid .= $lids[ $key ] . "," ;
$whr_lid = substr( $whr_lid , 0 , -1 ) ;
} else {
$whr_lid = $lids[ $sel_lids ] ;
$result = $xoopsDB->query( "SELECT lid , cid , title , ext , res_x , res_y , submitter , status , date AS unixtime , hits , rating , votes , comments FROM $table_photos WHERE status>0 AND lid IN ($whr_lid)" ) ;
$count = 1 ;
while( $photo = $xoopsDB->fetchArray( $result ) ) {
$photo['title'] = $myts->makeTboxData4Show( $photo['title'] ) ;
$photo['suffix'] = $photo['hits'] > 1 ? 'hits' : 'hit' ;
$photo['date'] = formatTimestamp( $photo['unixtime'] , 's' ) ;
$photo['thumbs_url'] = $thumbs_url ;
if( in_array( strtolower( $photo['ext'] ) , $myalbum_normal_exts ) ) {
// width&height attirbs for
if( $box_size <= 0 ) {
$photo['img_attribs'] = "" ;
} else {
// list( $width , $height , $type ) = getimagesize( "$thumbs_dir/{$photo['lid']}.{$photo['ext']}" ) ;
list( $width , $height , $type ) = getimagesize( "$photos_dir/{$photo['lid']}.{$photo['ext']}" ) ;
if( $width > $box_size || $height > $box_size ) {
if( $width > $height ) $photo['img_attribs'] = "width='$box_size'" ;
else $photo['img_attribs'] = "height='$box_size'" ;
} else {
$photo['img_attribs'] = "" ;
} else {
$photo['ext'] = 'gif' ;
$photo['img_attribs'] = '' ;
$block['photo'][$count++] = $photo ;
$block['mod_url'] = $mod_url ;
$block['cols'] = $cols ;
return $block ;