customise admin zone hover menu links

Hi there,

Does anyone know how to customise the links in the hover menu on the admin page (the menu that appears when you hover the mouse over the admin page icon)

I know there is a file called menu.php in the admin folder for the module BUT...

I want to remove the 'preferences' link that appears at the bottom of the menu. It doesn't show up in the menu.php file and is the cause of my problems.

When a user who has permission to admin a module logs in and enters the admin zone, if they click that 'preferences' link, they get a 'permission denied' message.

It's because it links to a system/admin.php?... link and not a module/admin.php?... link so the user has no permission.

Somehow, it's added automatically, but the xoopsheadline module somehow gets away without it.

Do you know how to clear the 'preferences' link menu item for a specific admin icon hover menu?


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