Hi Cavan,
Sorry I keep getting side tracked with this one
, I have now set this site to notify me of any new posts in this thread.
Good to hear you've made some progress.
The "article saving failed" error comes about from a failed SQL statement which are located at lines 417 and 435 of class.newsstory.php. This means that the error *should* display itself if you turn on MySQL debug in your XOOPS preferences area. If you can turn on MySQL debug and then post the results from the MySQL debug window after you try submitting an article we should hopefully get some more insight.
I did a diff on your submit.php and it is exactly the same as the submit.php included with AMS 2.2. As I eluded to above, I think we will find that this is not a direct problem with AMS, but rather something to do with your environment that Xoops/AMS is not compatible with. Logic would suggest that if it was a problem (as in a bug) with AMS then there would be a lot of people reporting the same issue, which is not the case from what I have observed. Doesn't mean I don't want to get to the bottom of it though
The [extend] tag is the tag AMS uses to seperate the article introduction from the main body of an article. All text prior to the [extend] tag is treated as the article introduction, and all text after it is treated as the main body of the article. For example;
This is the article introduction text which gives a brief outline of the article to entise the end user into reading the full article.
This is the main body of the article which is only displayed when a user actually selects the article from the any of the AMS blocks, or index and topic views.
The fact that it is showing up when doing a preview is perfectly fine for AMS 2.2.
It might also be benefitial if you could turn on your PHP debuging options from within PHP itself. To do this set these values;
error_reporting = E_ALL
log_errors = On
error_log = path/to/file
This should hopefully also gives us some more information. I also wouldn't mind seeing what you exact PHP environment is. Could you place the following in a file with a .php extension;
Doesn't matter what you call it, as long as it has a .php extension. Once you've done this could you PM me the URL so I can take a look.