I am trying to create a custom index page in news 1.2 that shows something like "more articles in: (topic)".
I have created a new function that will show this, but when it is showing more than one topic, like when you first arrive on the site, it shows whatever topic the first story in the index is.
really all i need is an "if" statement that
says: "if showing only one topic"
nothing that i have tried has worked correctly.
i need something like:
function showTopicInIndex()
if ( some argument ){
$also = "Also in ".$this->newstopic->topic_title(). "..." . '';
else {
$also = "Latest Articles...";
return $also;
i'm assuming that when the module first loads it is pulling all information from "getAllPublished", but i'm not sure how to incorporate that into the new function.
as you might have guessed, i'm not much of a programmer, this is the best i could come up with. Am i going about this all wrong?