default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/24 17:14

  • keeyung

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/1/13

I read in the 1.05 release of Koivi Editor:
Now theme css can be attached directly on editor to show a true wysiwyg result (thx for the idea frankblack).

Problem is, I don't know how to do that!
And I'm not even sure it will solve my problem which is this: I don't want people to be able to change the font and font-size, so that their messages comply with the site look, so I removed the "font" and "size" options, but then I would like to change the default font and size of the editor so that it complies with the site look!
Any ideas someone?
Thanks in advance.
Kee Yung

Re: default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/24 18:42

  • twitaman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 270

  • Since: 2004/7/28

If you want all of your content to look the same font-wise then you'll have to make sure that your content providers use the "brush" tool on their work if they paste it in from another website or MS Word or something. It will remove all the special formatting. Then they can format it in Koivi.

From Sami: Quote:
There is an option called “Delete all format”. Is very useful if you copy paste an article from other site. It simply deletes all html format.

You can see the cleaning options pressing in the little dot near the brush button.

I’ll try to add in newer versions an option for doing It automatically.

And if you want to make sure that only certain fonts are seen in Koivi then you'll have to edit your formwyswiygtextarea.php file located in the wysiwyg folder.

Around line 108 look for this:

$deffonts=array('Courier New'=>'Courier New, Courier, monospace','MS Serif'=>'MS Serif, New York, serif','Verdana'=>'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif');

And change it to the default family you like, in my case I did this:

$deffonts=array('Verdana'=>'Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif');

Re: default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/25 17:42

  • keeyung

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 2

  • Since: 2005/1/13

Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately it doesn't do the trick. I've changed $deffonts but the actual default font is still whatever it is, a kind of Times New Roman or Palatino.
And I still don't get the "Now theme css can be attached directly on editor to show a true wysiwyg result (thx for the idea frankblack)" thing.

Re: default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/26 1:48

  • samuels

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 249

  • Since: 2003/10/30

I'll try to explain.

Once you have submitted an article or something like this, the XOOPS system applies your css theme file.
This css controls the whole system appearance (colors, font styles e.t.c).

The css attach function is only to see a real preview of the content before submitting it. It doesn't attach anything fisically 'cause it will happen automatically once the content is submitted.

You are trying to change the font what you see while you're writing with koivi. But it isn't a real font, the font what you see is selected by the browser and it doesn't affect the code.

Once the content is submitted, your css file will be applied, overriding the default browser font.

For example, under Internet Explorer, the default font it's like Times New Roman, under linux it's different.

It's like form buttons, if you see a html form and you're under Windows XP the buttons will appear different than under Windows 98.

Other example, now I'm writing this post and the font that I see is "Times New Roman".
But when I submit it, it appears with "Verdana" style.
Because the XOOPS css theme file specifies that forum posts will have verdana font.

So, if in your CSS theme file you specify some kind rule which controls the font, for example:

font:10px Verdana;

You will see your published article with Verdana and size 10px.

If you don't control this, the browser will apply it's default font (in case of Internet Explorer, Times New Roman).

Re: default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/26 4:05

  • Rhomal

  • Quite a regular

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Samual -

I'd like to go back to adding different fonts to Koivi if we could. Now do the fonts have to be loaded in win2k on the server for them to be usable? If not how do I 'install' them? (I really dont care what the default font is, I just want to add more then whats listed currently)

I would like to add a few middle ages, fantasy fonts I have in koivi for the msg forum.

Thanks for your help

Re: default font in koivi editor
  • 2005/2/26 23:58

  • samuels

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 249

  • Since: 2003/10/30

You have instructions on docs and several examples here.
Fonts are installed on client machines, so if you add non standar fonts to the list and someone doesn't have the font installed he won't be able to see them.

$deffonts=array('Tahoma'=>'Tahoma','Georgia'=>'Georgia','Trebuchet MS'=>'Trebuchet MS');

I don't recomend you to use non standar fonts cause I think you can't install them in every client machine who visits your site.


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