NewBB2 - Attaching an image doesn't create the thumbnail
  • 2005/2/18 17:39

  • Tropics

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2005/1/26


I have a problem with my xoops/newbb2 installation. When attaching an image in a new newbb2 post or reply, the thumbnail image is not created.

Here are the details of my site:
Address: http://www.tropictech.de
PHP Version: 4.3.9
GD: Version 2.0.28 compatible
According to phpinfo(), gif read/write support, jpeg, png, wbmp and xbm are all enabled.
The directories (uploads/newbb and uploads/newbb/thumbs) are available and writable. The newbb2 settings for images are set to 400/1600/1600 (Maximum Image Width/Maximum Image Width for creating thumbnail/Maximum Image Height for creating thumbnail).

Trying to create a thread with an attached image (for example 1024x768 so it is within the above limits) works fine and doesn't generate an error or a warning. The redirect to the thread doesn't work however and generates a "500 Server Error" instead. The rest of the site still works and the forum, too, but clicking that thread always generates the same error. I found out that the image indeed gets uploaded to the uploads/newbb directory but no thumbnail file is generated. Making such a thumbnail by hand and uploading it to the thumbs dir (with the correct name of course) resolves the problem and the thread can be viewed.

I also tried the same setup on my desktop pc using the xsas package which interestingly works as it should. So I guess this means something is wrong with my server?
Any ideas? If I can't resolve this i will have to disable the thumbnail feature which would be a pity.

Re: NewBB2 - Attaching an image doesn't create the thumbnail
  • 2005/2/21 0:48

  • Tropics

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 17

  • Since: 2005/1/26

i disabled the creation of thumbnails for the time being, by setting the maximum image values to (400/400/300). that is of course far from perfect and i would really like to be able to activate the thumbnail generation again.

any help on this matter would be appreciated.


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