Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 10:39

  • Catzwolf

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  • Since: 2007/9/30

The point is, if I was that sort of person I could buy this module and under the GPL I could release it and there is nothing anyone could do about it.

This is the whole point I am trying to make here. XOOPS Module developers should be able to charge and not worry about having their work stolen, repackaged and released.

Under the current GPL you have no rights once your work is public domain and Ams 2.4 falls under that category right now.

Brash, I am not against you selling your module but I do have problems with the method you are using to 'sell' it to the xoop public. It is not a donatation, you are asking people to buy it, plain and simple. I personally do not care how you try to 'package' this whole sorry mess, thats the truth of it and I am not the only XOOPS module developer who see's it that way, but I am the only one who voices my concern at this whole approach.

Brash, I want to say this again, this is not a personal attack against you. I have to much respect for you but I think you really have missed the mark on this one.

Lets put the L in GPL LGPL please.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.

It is not a donation, you are asking people to buy it, plain and simple
So what you are against is the word "donation"?

In the News comments, JDSeymour defined a "donation" like this:
Here is the definition again:

1. A voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause

2. Act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity

Why do you need several threads on this matter, when you are not answering to the points made in them? I am perfectly willing to have a debate on this subject, and I'm sure Brash would say the same thing, but almost everything we hear from the critics of this approach is opinions. Opinions are hard to debate, so let's get the arguments on the table and have a healthy debate instead.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 11:06

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


Mithrandir wrote:
It is not a donation, you are asking people to buy it, plain and simple
So what you are against is the word "donation"?

In the News comments, JDSeymour defined a "donation" like this:
Here is the definition again:

1. A voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause

2. Act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity

Why do you need several threads on this matter, when you are not answering to the points made in them? I am perfectly willing to have a debate on this subject, and I'm sure Brash would say the same thing, but almost everything we hear from the critics of this approach is opinions. Opinions are hard to debate, so let's get the arguments on the table and have a healthy debate instead.

I think I have made myself clear on this matter many times Mith, I believe that it is you that is willing not to see my point and take it as a personal attack against yourself and Brash. It is not and this is a totally seperate issue from the one I made previous.

The reason I have a PROBLEM with the way that the word 'Donation' is used is due to the misuse of the wording in this case. Firefox is based on donation but I can still choose to freely give a donantion to the future development and still download the product and use it. I however cannot go and download a program called 'System Mechanic' before I actually pay for it first. I think I am making this very point clear. I am not giving a donatation to something if I have to pay to download it.

My Second point is under the current GPL I can repackage AMS and put it somewhere else for free and under the current non restriction implaced with this GPL Brash would not and could not do anything about it.

Everyone seems to think that I am doing this out of shear spite, I am not. I work by developing modules for XOOPS thats how I earn my wages each week, but I want more protection over my code once released and not for any tom, dick or harry just to come along and steal it and then give it away.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 11:08

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

My door is always open to suggestions for doing something better, so what would you suggest? I am quite happy to continue putting my time into XOOPS and AMS for free as it is a passion/hobby for me. On the otherhand Mith does this to earn a crust and pay his bills. If I changed the word donation to a term like "early access fee" or something, would this be more acceptable?

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.

I have been hesitant to show this, but this is something the great vulnerability scanner of nessus is going through. Their solution was to keep the scanner itself GPL but produce plugins that are nonGPL that would be released to the general public after 7 days. GPL plugins developed by the community are released immediately.

The article is Here.
Not exactly what is happening here, and for different reasons. But maybe it would be food for thought.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 11:22

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


brash wrote:
My door is always open to suggestions for doing something better, so what would you suggest? I am quite happy to continue putting my time into XOOPS and AMS for free as it is a passion/hobby for me. On the otherhand Mith does this to earn a crust and pay his bills. If I changed the word donation to a term like "early access fee" or something, would this be more acceptable?

Brash, we already spoke about this and I gave you my suggestions on this matter but you choose not to go down that road.

The point I made is this, I CAN if I wanted give your module away and the current way XOOPS is licenced you would have lost everything. I know for a fact that people will pay for support and I am sure you will earn a hell of a lot more doing so. Companies will PAY for good first hand support for a worth while product. (I should know because I write support software).

Brash we have both been with XOOPS for a long time, I have total and utter respect for everything you are doing and trying to do. I agree with you 100% we should be able to sell modules if we do so, but currently our work is not protected and this is the point I am trying to make here.

I am also trying to state the double standards that have been shown within these forum regarding this matter, we have one clear policy on this matter and I am afraid the current way that the GPL is 'worded' this will never happen. I have always stated that we need to move AWAY from GPL to LGPL at least.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 11:25

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


jdseymour wrote:
I have been hesitant to show this, but this is something the great vulnerability scanner of nessus is going through. Their solution was to keep the scanner itself GPL but produce plugins that are nonGPL that would be released to the general public after 7 days. GPL plugins developed by the community are released immediately.

The article is Here.
Not exactly what is happening here, and for different reasons. But maybe it would be food for thought.

As Bunny stated once, if any modules use XOOPS GPL code then they must be released under the same GPL. The GPL is very clear on that. I think the same applies here.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 12:04

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10


Catzwolf wrote:

Brash, we already spoke about this and I gave you my suggestions on this matter but you choose not to go down that road.

The point I made is this, I CAN if I wanted give your module away and the current way XOOPS is licensed you would have lost everything. I know for a fact that people will pay for support and I am sure you will earn a hell of a lot more doing so. Companies will PAY for good first hand support for a worth while product. (I should know because I write support software).

Brash we have both been with XOOPS for a long time, I have total and utter respect for everything you are doing and trying to do. I agree with you 100% we should be able to sell modules if we do so, but currently our work is not protected and this is the point I am trying to make here.

I am also trying to state the double standards that have been shown within these forum regarding this matter, we have one clear policy on this matter and I am afraid the current way that the GPL is 'worded' this will never happen. I have always stated that we need to move AWAY from GPL to LGPL at least.

I'm fully aware that under the GPL as soon as AMS is released in any capacity it can be hacked up and repackaged, or simply offered for download elsewhere without myself having any say in it. I do make it clear to all donators that IF they choose to take this route, then they will have their user account deleted from my site, and will get no opportunity for support or access to early releases as they do now. I am hoping this, common decency and the fairly simple fact that by undermining the funding used by myself to move AMS forward they are actually only hurting the XOOPS community.

I'm under no delusion that the development model I'm using is perfect, but I am simply not in a position financially or skill set wise to be able to provide AMS as a free to download, but pay for support style arrangement. I do agree that the lack of IP protection under the GPL can sometimes be a double edged sword, but I'm not really familiar enough with any of them to be able to give an informed opinion on which one would be better (although from what I've read LGPL seems to be targeted toward these issues). I personally am not out to make money off AMS, I would simply like it to keep going forward, and in order to do that I need money to pay for coding time. As you state with the current GPL licensing I don't have a lot of room to move as it offers no protection of the funds that have been invested, and as such an upfront payment is about the only way I can think of to do this without offering a pay for support style environment which as I stated am not in a position to do.

I have recently put together an AMS Partner and AMS Sponsor program to try and encourage direct sponsorship of feature implementation into AMS, and also to try and encourage businesses who are actually making money from selling AMS as a part of their XOOPS hosting services to contribute back. In doing this I am hoping that eventually I don't have to ask the XOOPS community for money at all, but this won't happen overnight.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.

I think I have made myself clear on this matter many times Mith, I believe that it is you that is willing not to see my point

Apparently you have not made yourself clear (to me, that is) because I am not sure what you want to achieve with this; a new licensing plan to be able to restrict the rights of the module user? Or that all modules are released for free?

I'm not saying you have not made it clear, I just have not seen this clearly enough and kindly ask you to repeat it.

The point I made is this, I CAN if I wanted give your module away and the current way XOOPS is licenced you would have lost everything
That is correct and Brash has never hidden that fact.

The reason I have a PROBLEM with the way that the word 'Donation' is used is due to the misuse of the wording in this case

Why is it misuse? With the definition from jdseymour, I don't see the word donation being misused.

If that was changed to the word "fee" or "price", it seems to me to signal something different, because then when someone asks the price, they are told "this module costs $10... or more, if you want. You may pay more than $10", but who would do that? The word "donation" implies that the goal is not to make a profit, but to continue the development - which is the goal of the AMS donations. It is correct that if Brash did not have a day-job and could expect a number of clients big enough to provide for him an his family, he could sell services such as priority support.

However, from what I read on http://www.it-hq.org, that is the way Brash is going, with the AMS Partner and AMS Sponsor programs. If that becomes a success, I can imagine that the need for a required donation to get early access will drop. But one should keep in mind that it would have been very hard to launch such programs without an actual product to show - with the help of the required (and also volunteer) donations, AMS v. 2.2 and now v. 2.4 have been developed and the product is available and gives a better platform for initiating partner and sponsor talks.

Re: Download Ams 2.4 for free here.
  • 2005/2/13 12:43

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


brash wrote:
I'm fully aware that under the GPL as soon as AMS is released in any capacity it can be hacked up and repackaged, or simply offered for download elsewhere without myself having any say in it. I do make it clear to all donators that IF they choose to take this route, then they will have their user account deleted from my site, and will get no opportunity for support or access to early releases as they do now. I am hoping this, common decency and the fairly simple fact that by undermining the funding used by myself to move AMS forward they are actually only hurting the XOOPS community.

I think we would both have to pretty niave to think this would never happen. This problem is everywhere you look on the internet and to think that everyone in the XOOPS community will share this view is a un-relistic to say the least. Its like putting the padlock on the door and giving everyone the key.


I'm under no delusion that the development model I'm using is perfect, but I am simply not in a position financially or skill set wise to be able to provide AMS as a free to download, but pay for support style arrangement. I do agree that the lack of IP protection under the GPL can sometimes be a double edged sword, but I'm not really familiar enough with any of them to be able to give an informed opinion on which one would be better (although from what I've read LGPL seems to be targeted toward these issues). I personally am not out to make money off AMS, I would simply like it to keep going forward, and in order to do that I need money to pay for coding time. As you state with the current GPL licensing I don't have a lot of room to move as it offers no protection of the funds that have been invested, and as such an upfront payment is about the only way I can think of to do this without offering a pay for support style environment which as I stated am not in a position to do.

Nothing never is perfect.

You could either push for the Core leader to change their mind and change XOOPS to LGPL and help take away this 'gray' area for developers and have a clear 'roadmap' regarding the way that developers can develop, package and release their modules paid or not to the public.

There has been much talk regarding a business approach with XOOPS developing web applications but the reality is that no company wants to spend $1000's on an application that has no real legal protection. Under the current license we could not be taken seriously.

There are many developers who would like to help and do it free of charge, but this does have its own problems but thats how open source community works (but it does work, XOOPS shows that already).


I have recently put together an AMS Partner and AMS Sponsor program to try and encourage direct sponsorship of feature implementation into AMS, and also to try and encourage businesses who are actually making money from selling AMS as a part of their XOOPS hosting services to contribute back. In doing this I am hoping that eventually I don't have to ask the XOOPS community for money at all, but this won't happen overnight.

I applaud you in your bold move and I believe it is in the right direction but I feel the way it is being done the wrong way (sorry my personal feelings here) and we need to take the right path by getting the right people to change things for all.


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