Formatting a table

I tried searching all kind of places for some support on this trivial matter, was unable to get anything, and hence this question:

How do I format a table in the XOOPS editor ?

Do I put a <table>...</table> tags into the text area ?
Are there custom tags [table]...[/table] or similar?
Is there any other symbolism for this? For example,
| r1c1 | r1c2
| r2c1 | r2c2

...and while I am at it, is there someplace that I can get a list of all the XOOPS tags ? (ie., the square bracket tags such as [i],[b] etc)

thanks in advance


Re: Formatting a table
  • 2005/2/9 7:02

  • karedokx

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 319

  • Since: 2004/7/1 6

the way i usually do it is just use the common html code. XOOPS supports it. so just use the <table></table> as you said (note: you can also use other html code: div, etc - whenever required).

not really sure with this newbb forum though, is the html supported/turned on..


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