Ok, Rowd, figured out why I was getting the error message, fixed it, then tried your code and I'm happy to report it worked like a charm.
Now, another question:
Direcly below is the code I'm working with. It's an rss feed with links that open up in a new browser window. I want these links to open a new window of say 500 x 500 so I don't lose the visitor. This new window should have a back button.
This code comes from a product called "carp" Carp parses rss feeds.
The instructions for targeting link with Carp say this:
# linktarget ("link target") : Specifies which window or frame to open links in. Specify one of the following values:
* 0 (the default): the current window (and frame, if in a frame set)
* 1: a new window
* 2: the same window, but ensure that it is not in a frame
* the name of a frame if in a frameset, or the name of a window (NOTE: the name must contain at least one character that is not a digit)
Here's the link to the instructions page:
http://www.geckotribe.com/rss/carp/...y/item/link.phpTo sum up: the code below comes into an html page which I load to my server. The code displays an rss link in a box. When people click on the title of this feed I want a new window to open instead of the new url opening on the current page..
Thank you.
Oh, here's my url
require_once '/home/blacklog/public_html/carp/carp.php';
CarpConf('cborder', 'link,date, author, desc');