Hello! The scripts I mentioned is different from phpadsnew.
The scripts I mentioned especially the first two scripts are not text adv. They are the scripts for members to join the program and for advertiser to advertise there. For example, if advertisers pay for any email adv, banner adv, signup adv, etc., their advertising targets are the members of that sites.
1. If members receive that advs via email, members need to click a link to receive cash (this is a type of pay to read/pay to click/pay to signup,etc).
2. If memebrs login to their account, they will see some banners (if someone advertise) stated the cost of this banner. If they click this banner, $XX (specifically stated) will be credited to their account.
3. The same apply to pay to signup, etc.
**If the account balance reaches the threshold value set by the webmaster, the money will be sent to the members' Paypal, egold, any other specified accounts.