Somebody there who can help me somehow???
I´m very satisfied with Xoop so far but I´ve got a huge problem.
I want to make my own theme with an individual layout.
I use Dreamweaver to build usual html pages and Photoshop7 to build the design.
Is there any possibility to build a Xoop template or theme with Photoshop (design/graphics), Dreamweaver (code/ayout) and Xoop???
I´ve been looking for tutorials everywhere but only found some explaining how all that php stuff works.
I´m not really into coding though.
I´d rather use a kind of extension for Dreamweaver to set up a design like plug and play (Components). I know that there is something like this for Mambo. But Xoopis better (I think).
So please help me out.
I wanna have an own Xoop design.
Thanx alot,
Tafman, Germany